30 Ucapan Selamat Tidur Bahasa Inggris untuk Orang Terkasih

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30 Ucapan Selamat Tidur Bahasa Inggris untuk Orang Terkasih JAKARTA – Menyampaikan ucapan selamat tidur kepada orang terkasih bukan hanya sekadar kebiasaan, tetapi juga bentuk perhatian dan kasih sayang yang mendalam. Ucapan selamat tidur yang penuh makna dapat membuat malam lebih hangat dan memberikan ketenangan sebelum tidur. Jika Anda ingin menambahkan sentuhan spesial pada ucapan selamat tidur Anda, berikut adalah 30 ucapan selamat tidur dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk orang-orang terkasih.

1. “Goodnight, my love. May your dreams be as sweet as you are.”

2. “Sleep tight and know that I’m always here for you, no matter what.”

3. “Wishing you a restful night filled with beautiful dreams. Goodnight!”

4. “May your sleep be peaceful and your dreams be full of wonder. Goodnight, sweetheart.”

5. “Goodnight, my heart. I hope you have the sweetest dreams tonight.”

6. “As you close your eyes, remember how much you are loved. Goodnight!”

7. “Dream of me tonight, and I’ll see you in my dreams. Goodnight, darling.”

8. “Sleep well and dream big, my love. Goodnight!”

9. “May the stars light up your dreams and the moon keep you safe. Goodnight, dear.”

10. “Goodnight to the most amazing person in my life. Sweet dreams, my love.”

11. “Rest easy, knowing that you’re always in my heart. Goodnight!”

12. “I can’t wait to see you in my dreams tonight. Sleep well and goodnight!”

13. “May your dreams be filled with happiness and your night with peace. Goodnight, love.”

14. “Wishing you a night full of restful sleep and beautiful dreams. Goodnight, my darling.”

15. “Goodnight, my angel. I hope you have a night as wonderful as you are.”

16. “Sleep soundly and wake up refreshed. Goodnight and sweet dreams!”

17. “Sending you all my love as you drift off to sleep. Goodnight, sweetheart.”

18. “May your dreams be as lovely and perfect as you are. Goodnight, my dear.”

19. “Close your eyes and relax. I’ll be dreaming of you. Goodnight!”

20. “Goodnight, my precious. Sleep tight and know that you are cherished.”

21. “Rest well, my love. The stars are watching over you tonight.”

22. “May you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day. Goodnight!”

23. “Goodnight to the one who makes my days brighter. Sweet dreams, love.”

24. “Sleep with the peace of knowing you are loved more than you can imagine. Goodnight!”

25. “Dream sweetly and know that I’m thinking of you as you sleep. Goodnight, darling.”

26. “Goodnight and may your dreams be filled with everything you’ve ever wished for.”

27. “As you drift into sleep, know that my thoughts are with you. Goodnight, my love.”

28. “May your night be full of comfort and your dreams be filled with joy. Goodnight!”

29. “Wishing you a serene night and a bright morning. Goodnight, sweetheart.”

30. “Goodnight, my beloved. I hope your dreams are as beautiful as you are.”


Memberikan ucapan selamat tidur dengan sentuhan pribadi bisa membuat malam orang terkasih Anda lebih istimewa. Dari ucapan yang penuh kasih sayang hingga harapan untuk mimpi indah, kata-kata ini membantu menunjukkan betapa pentingnya mereka dalam hidup Anda. Pilihlah salah satu dari ucapan selamat tidur di atas dan buatlah malam mereka lebih menyenangkan dengan perhatian kecil Anda. Selamat tidur dan semoga mimpi indah!

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